Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Hamster saga!

One day Abby decided that she needed to have her own personal pet.  A hamster would be the perfect little pet to have in her bedroom.  She convinced her mom and dad that this little pet would be good therapy for her loneliness. So off to the pet store and home again with a hamster and all the paraphernalia in tack to live happily ever after!  Thus begins the saga. 

Mother’s Day weekend when we were in Park City, Annie gets a phone call that the hamster had pushed the drinking water holder out and had escaped from the cage.  I’m sure the little varmint looked around and thought, “Gee, I have the whole basement to explore!  And explore she did.  She found a perfect hiding place between the cement wall, the framing and the insulation in the far corner of the storage room. 

Of course, everyone was sad that they couldn’t find her and worrying about her welfare they set out food and water.  Each day they notice that food and water was missing.  So they knew that she was alive and well somewhere in the basement.  One night when Annie was at work she got a call from one of the kids that Abby had spotted the hamster in the storage room but it got away.  

Unbeknownst to the Gertsons, this little hamster was busy gathering insulation and food because she was NESTING!  Yup, they had purchased one pregnant hamster!  They didn’t know this yet, that was to be a surprise!  Almost to the month from when she went missing a baby hamster was spotted and caught.  That was the first clue that they were not trying to catch one varmint but many!  As the days went on they ended up catching three babies and finally yesterday the caught the queen! 

Annie found the nesting area and borrowed a strong vacuum that would reach back behind the framing and suck out all the nest, food and droppings!  In the process they spotted one more baby scampering away.  They haven’t caught her yet but have set out a trap for it.  There were two white ones and one gray one (that they caught)!

Today they hauled all the babies and the mother back to the pet store per Abby’s orders.  Annie says she is keeping the the cage and all the tubes just in case Hayley or Andrew decide they want to try having a pet hamster when they are a little older.

And thus, the story of the pet hamster!

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