Sunday, March 6, 2022

Neal takes a tumble

 Neal, Tucker and Grayson went skiing on Friday.  I was going to go to work but decided instead to take a mental health day and stay home by myself, work on my lesson, do some house cleaning and some stitching.

Periodically Tucker would check in so that I knew everything was going well.  Then I get a video towards the early afternoon of Neal taking a not planned summersault , skiis flying in all directions and Neal landing, bouncing and rolling along the snow.  When he finally stops I hear Tucker saying, "Dad, dad, are you okay?"  Neal finally says that he thinks so.  Another skier stops and asks if he needs the ski patrol to which Neal answers that he thinks he will be okay.  Needless to say, he made it down the hill and that was his last run for the day.  Tucker and Grayson did a couple more and then they headed home.  Neal came hobbling in and I mean hobbling.  He changed and went to see Dan Patton who was able to put his hip and shoulders back in place.  I kept Neal on ice packs, Tylenol and Ibuprofen and resting for the rest of the day.  Saturday morning he was 100% better and on the mend.  So thankful that nothing was broken and that his knees weren't damaged.  

They did say that they had a fabulous time and that the weather was everything from snow, cloud covered, sunshine and bright blue skies.  

Neal and Tucker were supposed to go out to Maren's to see the new Batman movie but Neal was a little too broken up to go.  So Tucker went without him.  He said the movie was 3 hours long and wasn't one that he wanted to see again.  But enjoyed being with his sister.

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