Monday, July 2, 2018

Mallory's Letter

I know that I keep quoting stuff from Mallory's letters but I just can't resist.  Her last letter came right after the amazing stake conference that I already reported on.  Remember that I mentioned that Pres. Little told us that we were being asked to live the higher law and that we were having our training wheels removed.  Well when I got Mallory's letter this paragraph totally was amazing.

"Friday was the coolest!  We had a mission wide conference call with President Stone.  He told us about some changes the missionary department had made and told him about earlier that day.  We have a new Preach My Gospel!  We were instructed to discard the ones we had and immediately start using the new one . . . . we also got rid of the 12 week training program for new missionaries.  There's a new training we use in Preach My Gospel.  There were other things as well and it was so much to soak in.  Then President told us about what Elder Bednar said in regards to all the revelation President Nelson has received and shared with us so far.  He said that what we have received so far is merely Snowflakes in a Blizzard compared to what's coming!  Snowflakes!  This is only the beginning y'all!  President shared with us the 9th article of faith that says, 'We believe all the God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God'.  He then said, 'this isn't the restored gospel, but the restoring gospel'.  How insane is that?!  What a time to be a missionary!!  The Lord is at the head of this great work and He's hastening it in our day!"

Very exciting letter and one that should make us all excited about where we are going and where the church is going and if we are committed to the gospel.  I believe that as fast as the Lord is hastening the work, the faster Satan is working to stop it.

I can't begin to express how grateful I am for my good mother who joined the church, made it her life and taught me the same.  I pray that my posterity will stay close to the gospel and that I will always set a good example for them.

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