Friday evening we were out in Stansbury. Neal had the day off and wanted to play golf with Jeff and I took a 1/2 day off and went out with him. While Jeff and Neal golfed, Annie and I ran errands and visited. Annie fixed us some dinner and then we played a game of Shanghi and prepared to head home. As we were leaving we saw across the street to the neighbors a lot of activity. Annie's neighbors had bought an old ski boat and dug a hole in their back yard and put the boat in the hole for his kids. The children played in it for about 2 years and then the fun wore off as they grew older. When the huge dumpsters were delivered to the neighborhood, they decided this would be the time to get rid of it. Now, I don't know of anyone who has ever loaded a ski boat into a dumpster! Emmi pulled their suburvan over to give them light and it took two trucks to pull the boat into the dumpster. Annie said that everyone cheered when it finally was in the dumpster. It did get caught on one corner and they had to get a saw to chop the corner off. Annie said it was very entertaining. Oh, they had to take the end of the dumpster off to slide the boat on and then put the panel back on. I'm just sure the guys who hauled that dumpster off and emptied it were so surprised. Below a picture of the boat being dragged onto the dumpster.
You can see the jack under the boat they used to lift the boat off the ground. Amazingf!
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