Thursday, April 27, 2017

Finding Jeff's birth mother - Judith Lee Prichard Henderson Werner

I contacted my cousin, Sandy, in Seattle and gave her what information I had about Jeffrey's birth mom.  She did some research and was able to come up with a little more information.  I went on line the next day and tried to do more research with what she had given me, but quickly realized that I know very, very little about how to research names.  I mentioned to Susan that I wished I knew someone that I could hire to do the research for me.  She suggested her friend, Jane's husband Paul.  She said the he is a professional research specialist and if I gave him what information I had he might be able to give me some leads.  I need to contact a living blood relative of Jeff's birth mother that will give me permission to do her temple work. 

I gave the information to Paul who immediately went to work and the very next day sent me an email with volumns of names, a few phone numbers, addresses and even neighbors that might be a resource for me to contact.

He said that he found a living relative name Denise Werner and her address and phone number.  He also sent me 24 pages full of names and addresses, some phone numbers and a few email addresses.  Last night I put the phone number in my cell and sat there for about 10 minutes just looking at it wondering if I really had the courage to hit call.  I finally did.  I was almost releaved when no one answered and yet a little disappointed.  I don't answer phone numbers that I don't recognize so wasn't all that surprised.  I left a message telling them my name and where I was calling from and that I was looking for a living relative of Judith Lee Prichard Henderson Werner and asked them if they would call me back.  I called again later that evening but still no answer.  I did the same again this morning with no answer but leaving another message.

I decided that I wasn't going to get anyone to call me back so I made a list of all the email addresses that Paul had found and I wrote a letter (which I will post tomorrow) and sent it to the first 16 people on the list.  8 of the emails came back undeliverable but 8 went through.  So now we play the waiting game.  I will give this first set of emails until next Monday and see if I get any response and then if I don't I will go to the next group of 16 and try again.  I will keep trying until I have exhausted all the emails and then I will compose a letter similar to the email message and I will send letters to all the addresses that Paul found.  Someone out there has to be willing to at least respond to my request whether it be a negative or a positive. 

I'm excited and yet apprehensive about what I'm doing.  I certainly don't want to hurt anyone by giving information that people in Judith's family may not be aware of.  I will up date my blog as the days go by so that I have a complete record of this journey I'm on. 

I want to be able to Judith's temple work for her but cannot do it unless the church gets permission from someone in her family. 

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