Sunday, December 1, 2013

Neal’s 70th Birthday Celebration

The day began with Neal and Tucker heading off to the Utah football game.  After they left it was time for us to begin preparations for the evening surprise festivities.


Emmi came in the night before for a sleepover and to play games.  Of course, where you find Emmi, you find Peyton.  I also noticed Lexi and Jordyn Lyn playing the piano together. 


Lynda Ann was in charge of the table decorations and settings.  Jamie had been assigned the task of inviting everyone by email or mail.  Maren was put in charge of the program and I asked Lyndsy if she would put together a picture slide presentation of Neal’s life.


Lynda Ann came up with the idea of having an area for picture taking.  She wanted the area to look like or give the feeling of Hawaii.  The palm trees were made from brown paper sacks covering tubes with umbrellas covered in green tissue paper for the leaves. 


Greg was given the task of taking pictures during the evening. 


Jamie and Maren figuring things out and the grandchildren playing a game and practicing their Hula dance for the program.


Now we just had to wait until Neal arrived.  He thought he was coming over to the church to help me take down tables and chairs from a Relief Society event.  Little did he know!

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