Saturday, January 7, 2012

A blast from the past!

Today, I met Susan and Lila in Orem for shopping and lunch.  Susan had mentioned that they were going to visit Janet (my sister-in-law, married to Buster).  I haven’t seen Janet since Buster died and that has been 13 years ago this February.  Janet and Buster lived in our basement apartment for a while after they were married.  I was in high school.  There was an incident that happened that accelerated down hill causing mother to have a family meeting and basically telling Janet and Buster that even though they lived in the basement they were guests in our home and she didn’t want to hear any more about what happened.  They were either to move on or move out!  Families living together never seem to work out for the best. 

Anyway, as we were getting ready to leave, Janet mentioned that she had a picture and thought it was of Annette and wanted to give it to Lila Mae.  They bring it out and I smiled because it is a painting of me!  I’m sure if Janet had known it was of me she would have never taken it in the first place and would not have had it hanging in her house all these years. 

When I was a freshman at BYU I was asked to be a model for an art class.  This picture was one that was chosen to be displayed for a few months and then was presented to me.  My mother had it hanging in her bedroom for years and I always wondered what happened to it.  Low and behold it shows up.  Below is the picture.  Of course, Neal thinks it looks just like me.  He does wear rose colored glasses or he is losing his eyesight fast!!! 


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