Friday, May 6, 2011

My childhood summer days

I just checked into Jamie's blog and saw all the pictures of the girls riding their bikes and selling homemade trinkets to neighbors. I was taken back to my summer days as a child and how I loved them! I remember riding my bike around the block. I would use a clothes pin to attach a playing card to the spokes so that when I was cycling it would make a sound like a motor. I would imagine going to all kinds of exotic places as I circled the block.

Another past time was putting on my roller skates and tightening them with a key so they didn't slip off the sole of my shoe. I would roller skate for hours up and down the sidewalk in front of my house.

I also LOVED climbing the huge Oak tree that grew on the property line of our house and the neighbors. That was the best climbing tree in the whole neighborhood. I had more stuff stashed up in the top of that tree. It was a wonderful hiding place and a great way to view the neighborhood. I wonder to this day that I never fell out of that tree and broke a bone.

Another fond memory is getting a nickle each Saturday for helping with the house work. I would run to a little (and I mean very little) corner grocery store and buy a Butter Finger. Oh how I loved Butter Fingers. Candy was scare at our home and having a whole candy bar to yourself was a huge treat. I would carry that candy bar back to my climbing tree, climb to the very tip top, sit on a limb and savor every bite. Sometimes, if I couldn't eat it all in one sitting, I would wrap it carefully and hide it in a knot hole and go back later and eat it. I've often wondered if there is still a part of a butter finger hidden in that tree!

Yes, I loved the summer months. Mostly I love going to Midway every chance I got, but that is for another time.

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