Sunday, September 26, 2021

Saturday, Day 4

 Today was more of a stick around the apartment and run a few errands.  It was a very relaxing and fun day to just hang out and visit, play games and watch a movie or two.  Abby had also contacted us and let us know that we could tune in on a baptism at 2:00 p.m.  The actual baptismal service didn't get started until about an hour late because the mother and son who were being baptized had a tire blow on their way to the chapel.  But, they finally arrive and the service was underway.

Abby is on the left in blue.  She and three missionary sisters sang a song.  
This is the actual baptism taking place.
This is Abby and her companion giving a talk while waiting for the mother and son to get dressed.  It was so fun to hear Abby give a talk in Spanish and without notes.  She talked, then her campion talked and then she shared her testimony of Jesus Christ and the gospel.  We, of course, didn't fully understand what she was saying but the spirit whispered to us the truth of her words.  It was a beautiful experience for Emmi, Annie and I.  Modern technology is wonderful when used for a good purpose.  

This is one of those incredible moments of peace for Abby knowing she is about her "Father's business" of teaching those who long to know the plan of salvation.  

After the baptism we decided to run some errands, then came back, watched the movie RED, which was excellent, then ordered pizza and played a game of Shanghi and then settled in to watch the BYU - Florida game.  It started at 10:30 pm Georgia time.  Annie and Emmi fell asleep through the last half but I was wide awake and totally into the game.  BYU won but it was not an easy win.  Our defense struggled a bit, but we pulled it off.  GO COUGARS.  So nice to have a winning year.  

We all went to bed at 2:30 a.m.  Very short night!!  By the way.  The final score was 35 - 27.  You can see we started out with a bang but we let them catch up way too close!  I was doing a little bit of nail biting!!

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