Thursday, September 9, 2021

Celebrating 50 amazing years

We missed you Emmi and Abby!

 There was three years between Jeffrey and Lynda Ann.  I must admit, there were daily prayers going up to Heaven for another baby.  I was thrilled to have Jeffrey but I knew there was another child that was supposed to come to me.  Finally a call came that we had a baby girl waiting for us.  She was born on September 8, 1971.  She was born in Ridgecrest, California and we were on our way.  When we got there, we found out that we would have to wait one more day to bring her home because her bilirubin was a little high.  When Lynda Ann was placed in my arms, I couldn't take my eyes off her.  We brought her home and then had to wait a year before we could have her sealed to me for eternity.  I clearly remember the nursery ladies bringing in Jeffrey and Lynda Ann into the sealing room.  They were both dressed white.  Jeffrey stood on the step up to the alter and Lynda Ann sat on top of the alter.  Her little hand and Jeffrey's were placed in mine and we formed a family unit for eternity.

Not long ago, I was sitting on the back steps in the warm Fall sun thinking about Jeff and Annie when they were little.  I remember so many times walking to the school, the mall, the grocery store, and the library holding their hands.  One such memory came to me when I took Annie to the library.  I remember walking in and out of the library holding Annie's little hand and how excited she was with her hand full of books.  We got in the car, and I showed Annie a book about being adopted.  She looked puzzled and asked why I had checked that book out.  I told her that I thought, because she was adopted, that she would enjoy reading it.  She immediately informed that that she was not adopted.  I told her she was and reminded her of all the talks we had about adoption and how we got her and Jeffrey.  She looked at me and said, "Didn't you tell me that you wanted me and you prayed to Heavenly Father for me?'  I told her she was right.  I did want her, and I indeed prayed really hard for her.  Then she said, "Well if you wanted me and you prayed for me and Heavenly Father sent me to you, then I am yours and I'm not adopted."  What a lesson that was for me.  The faith and innocents of a little child.

As I sat on the back porch thinking about that moment I felt a huge wave of emotion hit me and before I knew it, tears were gently falling down my cheeks.  I thought about all those years gone by and all of a sudden, I felt an overwhelming sadness engulf me.  For a moment my heart was sad as I reflected on those carefree days with my two little ones.  They were some of the best and most beautiful and happiest moments and days of my life.

Annie turned 50 this year and Neal and I were invited to celebrate dinner with them at Tucanos in Orem.  We had a delicious dinner and a fun time with them.  I've watched this little girl of mine grow into the most beautiful daughter, wife and mother.  She has accomplished much in her life, her greatest accomplishment being a mother of 5 beautiful children.  She serves her family, her parents, her neighbors and her ward.  She is such an example of love and service.  

I love you Lynda Ann - clear to the moon and back!  Happy birthday.

My favorite picture of a 70's outfit.  


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