Monday, February 19, 2018

Neal's scouting projects!

Neal's scouting projects usually involve having stuff all over the house.  Well, that is what it feels like.  He decided that he needed to seal and wrap the ends of all the ropes in this huge bucket and the measure them and label them.  So for the last TWO weeks I've had this mess in my bedroom.  Those of you who know me, know this would be driving me insane!!!

Finally last night the last rope was sealed at both ends, measured, marked and coiled up and put in the bucket.  Now I just have to get him to put the card table and everything on it away along with hauling the bucket down to the garage.  I notice that he has scout stuff on the kitchen table that somehow got there yesterday afternoon.  I CAN'T STAND MESSES!!!  I don't know how people live with them.
So my project and goal for today is to get Neal focused on getting everything back where it belongs so I can vacuum, dust and get my bedroom back to normal!  We'll see how that goes!

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