Saturday, March 26, 2016

Mallory and Abby win awards

Mallory and Abby both entered a competition for FCCLA (Family Community Career Leaders of America.  Mallory was in the senior division and Abby was in the junior division.  Mallory won 2nd place Gold and Abby won 3rd place Gold. Because Mallory was in the Senior division she qualified to go to San Diego for the next competition.  Both the girls had to make something out of something that was old.  Mallory made a chair out of a suit case and Abby made a night stand our of one of the big wooden spindles that construction people have large wire or cord wound on.  Congratulations to both of these girls for their achievements.  I know that Lynda Ann deserves a metal herself for all the work she did helping the two girls put these projects together.

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