Sunday, February 12, 2012

A little reminiscing

Last Saturday I met Susan and Lila in Provo to shop and have lunch.  I always look forward to those times when the three of us get together.  Sometimes we drive to the Quilted Bear which is on the very South side of Provo and so when I leave and head for Salt Lake I always drive by the house I grew up in.  I wandered around the neighborhood thinking about friends and all the fun we had growing up in that area.  Then I drove past the grade school I attended and had to stop and take a picture of it.  It is interesting how much memory slips away to some folder in your brain and you just can’t find it.  I so understand the importance of writing things down while they are fresh on your mind.  When you don’t think of something for a very long time then it seems to slip away.  I sat there in front of the school trying to remember my teachers names and I could only come up with my 2nd grade teacher, 5th grade and 6th.  They were Mrs. Gleaves, Miss Huber and Mr. Anderson.  That’s it.  No names or even faces for Kindergarten, 1st grade, 3rd or 4th.  I know I was a very shy, quiet child and it is possible I just went to school each day and didn’t have much interaction with those teachers.  Anyway, here is a picture of Franklin Elementary – a little piece of my childhood years.


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