Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving bowling!

We began turkey day by meeting at Fat Cats Bowling Alley. Last year we were told they open at 9:00 a.m. and had to wait in the parking lot until 10:00 when they opened their doors. So, this year we called and were told they would open at 10:00. Well we got there at 10:00 and they had opened at 9:00! My goodness. Thank goodness there were four alleys available and side by side. Bowling the morning of Thanksgiving has become a tradition for our family. In fact there was a discussion about how long we've been doing this and when it started and if there was a few years when we didn't go. Anyone remember the history?
These are the two game total scores: Neal 266, Jeannine 229 (I actualy beat Neal one game by 2 pins!), Emmi 158, Jeff G. 353, Lynda 211 (Lynda and I always have a bet and I ALWAYS WIN!), James 84, Lyndsy 89 (they only bowled one game along with Maren and Greg because they go there quite late) Maren 125, Greg 93, Jaden 115, Taylor 87
Brock and River lost interest early and headed for the game room.

Jaden and Taylor
Brock - happy
Andrew - not so happy
Lynda Ann and Jeff with Boston. If Annie isn't holding Boston then Jeff is.
Maren and Greg
Lyndsy, James and a very unhappy River
Mom and Dad alias Gam and Pa
The Gertson's minus Andrew. He had already discovered the play room

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