Sunday, February 25, 2024

Little Purple Pansies

 I do love Spring.  In Utah we have a fun transition from winter to spring.  Any time after January we can expect sunny days and stormy days and very winter days and temperatures that can vary from the 60's one day to the 30's and 40's the next bringing wind and snow.  This morning is an absolutely gorgeous Sabbath day with sunshine, warm temperature and beautiful blue skies.  Mr. Olympus is covered half way down the face with snow.  

As I was leaving the building at MBK (serving the elderly who reside there) I notice a bunch of yellow and purple pansies poking their beautiful little heads out of the moist soil and into the warm sunshine.  It just made me happy all over and think of the primary song that I learn as a little girl.

Little purple pansies

Touched with yellow gold

Growing in one corner of the garden old

We are very tiny, but must try, try, try

Just one spot to gladden, you and I.

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