Sunday, October 15, 2023

October Birthdays

 October is a busy month for birthdays,  Taylor, Mallory, Tucker, Greg, Peyton and my sister Lila Mae.  Mallory and I went to the Provo Temple on Saturday, Lila's birthday, and did a session.  The minute I walked into the temple I felt Lila's presence.  She knows how much I love her and miss her.  After the session, Mallory and I had lunch at P.F. Chang and then did some shopping.  Mallory has just been called to be the first counselor in the RS Presidency and has already been asked to speak in Stake Leadership Meeting.  I always felt better if I had something new to wear when I had to give a talk at a meeting so we shopped for Mallory a new dress.  Which, BTW we found.  We wandered around the mall and just enjoyed our time together.  I dropped her off at her apartment and headed home.  

I have to say that the Provo Temple (the old Tabernacle) is absolutely gorgeous inside and brings back so many wonderful childhood and teen memories.  That is where we held all of our stake meetings.  That is where Annette sang and that is where I would always talk my mother into sitting in the balcony.  I loved going up the winding stairs to the balcony.  Almost like being in a castle tower.  Oh what things a young mind could imagine as we wound up the staircase in that narrow tower.

Thursday evening, which was the actual birth date for Mallory found us at the Brick Oven for dinner with all the Gertsons (except Abby and Emmi).  We had a delicious dinner of pizza, drinks, garlic bread, bread sticks, etc.  After we headed over to Mallory's apartment so she could open her gifts.  Annie had also made the traditional Birthday Cookie Cake.  

A fun Christmas shirt that Annie made for Mallory.

Brinkley loves to tear the paper off the presents.  He is so careful and very gentle.  Here he was helping Mallory open one of her presents.

Ice maker from her mom and dad.
Neal doing his usual pose at any gathering.  Yup, I sent this to Tucker to add to his collection.
Mallory with the traditional birthday cookie cake.

Love this grandson of mine!
I don't think of myself as 'short' until someone takes a picture or with these two!


I saw this sweatshirt and somehow thought of myself.  I LOVE it.  Yup, I'm more than happy to put on the hat when necessary.  There have been a few moments where I wore the hat and where someone thought I was the witch!!!  Proud of it.

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