Friday, January 6, 2023

Happy New Year 2023

 I've never been much of a Happy New Year celebrator but I'll say it just because it is tradition to wish people a happy new year.  I always had dates for New Years and always loved the dancing and having fun, but the actual blowing horns, wearing hats and throwing confetti always seemed stupid to me.  I'm sure I'm in the minority about New Years celebrations.  It kind of goes hand in hand with Halloween.  Don't get either one of them.

Neal and I ended 2022 with COVID.  Yup.  We finally got hit with it.  We think it may have come from Ron and Judy.  They had been at our house just before Christmas and then found out a couple days later that they had COVID.  Christmas Eve was when it hit me with a vengeance.  I had a fever, ached all over and couldn't get warm. I had the heating pad on me most of the night.  Christmas morning I felt a little better.  Neal and I were singing in a double quartet so we both needed to be at church Sunday morning.  I literally prayed that my voice would hold out and that I could get through the meeting.  Prayers are answered and we both made it through the meeting and were able to sing.  

We did go out to Maren's that afternoon for a couple of hours and then back home for the rest of the day.  Monday, we went out to Annie's for dinner and games and to say goodbye to Abby and Emmi.  I've already written about the journey for Emmi and Abby to get home.  While Annie, Abby and I were driving to California, Neal called me and said he was really sick and running a fever.  I just figured he had my cold.  Toward the end of the week I finally dug out our COVID tests and both Neal and I were positive for COVID.  The sad thing is that we had been around Annie's family and Maren's family.  So far the only person that we know of who now has COVID is Mallory.  She tested positive yesterday.  I feel terrible that she got it and more than likely from me.  I am grateful that we had the shots.  I think that is what kept both Neal and I from getting lung issues or being hospitalized.  So that is how we said goodbye to 2022 and welcomed 2023.  

We also welcomed in a massive bunch of snow storms to start the new year.

It is January 6th and we are still having storms rolling through.  We have been in a scary water shortage for the last few years so all of this moisture is welcome.  We need the storms to keep coming through and dumping snow in the mountains.  

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