Sunday, January 22, 2023

Angels Among Us

 A couple weeks ago when I was with Mallory in Orem. we met Susan for lunch and then did some shopping.  She told me a story about a basketball player at BYU named Trey Stewart.  Trey deals with depression and is very aware of mental health issues.  Mallory said that Trey is a big fan of motivational words and quotes.  He started a company called Default Happiness.  He does clothing with positive words of them.  Mallory mentioned that she discovered him and his story at a time when she was feeling down.  She ordered a sweatshirt from his company and also posted a "thank you" for helping her feel better about herself.  There was some correspondence back and forth.  After Mallory related the story to me I wanted in on the sweatshirt so she ordered one for me.  It hasn't come yet but when it does, I will for sure model it and blog the picture.  I'm so impressed with people who move from down to up.  Who recognize, acknowledge and embrace the fact that they do have mental health issues and find ways to turn it around to a positive.  I certainly wish this young man the very best in his basketball career and his new business!

Along with this story is another that I heard and wanted to post.  I will quote the incident as told by one who experienced it.

"We were seven missionaries at JFK going to Portugal.  We had faced the disappointment of a cancelled flight and had spent the night at JFK.  The mission home people in New York heard of our plight but couldn't come to rescue us at the airport until the next morning.  As we were gathering up all of our stuff the mission president noticed that we were all carrying pillows.  He asked us where we got the pillows.  We responded, "from an angel, a real angel."  We told the mission president that as we laid on the benches at the airport last night, we fell asleep.  And when we awoke this morning, we all had these pillows under our heads.  No one saw anyone or heard anything giving us the pillows.  Some of us were also covered up with a blanket.  We all had tears in our eyes as we related the experience."

So I will add here that I believe angels are everywhere watching and caring for all of us including God's missionaries, even at JFK on a bench !


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