Monday, August 22, 2022

Birthday in Midway

 Susan invited Lynda Ann and her girls and I to come to Midway for a birthday lunch.  Because Lila Mae's health is declining rapidly we knew it would not be possible to meet at a restaurant for our usual celebration.  Susan and Mary fixed a nice lunch of, what they call "Jeannie's Dish" and Annie and I call a taco salad.  There was Annie, Mallory, Abby, Susan, Mary, Lila Mae and I around the table.  Lunch was delicious and then Susan brought our a birthday cake.  I snapped this picture and didn't tell Susan that she was in it.  If she knew, I would be dead!  She hates her picture taken.  We decided that 8 candles was perfect for 78 and that Annie's birthday is on the 8th of September.  

We opened presents and Lila Mae gave me a beautiful card that she had written in that said, "Remember that I love you.  Always have and always will."  I looked over at her with tears in my eyes and had the over whelming feeling that we weren't going to have her too much longer.  I was feel such love for this sister of mine and at the same time such sadness that she is getting so frail.  

Susan gave me this beautiful hand made cut of the Salt Lake Temple and mine and Neal's wedding anniversary on the bottom.  She also gave me a Swig gift card, a Beans and Brews gift card and a Roxbury gift card.  I'm all set now for a while.

Lila Mae gave me these earrings and a bottle of Giorgio.  Funny thing is that I was right down to the last few drops in the one I had so was thrilled to have another bottle.  Lila Mae said, "Don't you dare say that you are just about out."  I told her it was the truth, that I was just about out.  We had a good laugh over that one.  Her timing was perfect.
When we were ready to leave it started raining.  Annie was driving and when we got in the car she pushed what she thought was the brake release and she popped the hood open.  So Abby and Mallory got out to close the hood.  While they were doing that, Annie pushed another button and opened that gas tank door!  Needless to say we were all laughing hard.  But to give Annie credit, she had never driving the Nissan and hadn't figured out were all the bells and whistles were on the car.  

We made a few stops on the way home.  All in all, it was a perfect day and a fun but kind of sad one.  Just don't know how long we are going to have Lila Mae with us.  Glad that Abby was able to see her.

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