Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Fun Saturday

Mallory and I decided that we needed a "get away" for a few hours and chose to go up to the Park City Outlets.  It was certainly a new way of shopping.  In most of the stores we had to stand in line outside the store and get invited in as people left.  We were lucky at the place we chose to eat.  We were seated immediately but I noticed that as more people came they had to wait outside until there was a table available.  Distancing, masks, standing in lines.  that is our new normal.  We were able to buy some tops, shoes and even got in to Bath and Body.  One has to be patient these days if you want to shop in any of the mall stores.

When we got back and as we drove in the driveway we remembered that we had forgotten to pick up Mallory's car at the mouth of Parley's.  Goodness.  So we got Neal and back in the car and drove up to get her car.  After we dropped her off we went to the grocery store, while Mallory headed to do some personal shopping.  When Neal and I got home, I realized I had forgotten to buy the bags of ice for his ice machines.  I asked Mallory if she would come with me and back to the store we went.  From there, Mallory reminded me that we were going to get some watering cans so we detoured to Home Depot and picked up two more cans.

We watered the flowers and recognized how much faster it was to water all the flower pots.

It was a busy, busy day, but a good one for me to get away from being a nurse for a few hours.  thanks to Mallory, we had an incredibly fun day.  I loved being with her!

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