Thursday, May 14, 2020

Mother's Day

Lots of wishes and wonderful gifts.  Maren came by on Friday and dropped of my Mother's Day present and we gave Maren's hers.  While Maren was here, Neal sat down with her and had her go through her mother's jewelry so she could take what she wanted.  Neal said she picked out some necklaces and a couple of rings.  It was good for Maren to be able get her mom's jewelry.  No point in having it locked up in the safe.  She should be wearing it.

Maren gave me two dish towels and a couple of wooden spoons and a bag of chocolates.  Great presents.

I also got a phone call from Tucker and a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the California Maxfields.
I have to share a funny story here.  Neal and I along with Mallory were in the car on the way to Stansbury.  My phone rang and I answered it through the car phone.  I heard "Hello Mother" and for just a second I froze.  The thoughts going through my mind in those few silent seconds were, "This can't be Jeffrey.  Jeffrey is gone.  But, it sounds just like Jeffrey."  I literally could not answer until I heard "Mother?  This is Tucker."  I had to tell him that he sounded just exactly like Jeffrey the way he said, "Hello Mother" just how Jeff used to do.  Seriously, it totally startled me.
Neal surprised Annie and I by paying for our hair coloring and cuts.  We didn't know he had done that until I went to pay and David said it was all paid for thanks to Neal.  We were thrilled.  Neal also gave me a new pair of walking shoes.

My most prized gift this year came from Mallory.  She found a poem that Annette had written me years ago and had it framed.  She and I both wept as I read the poem.  The thoughts she wrote in her card to me touched me deeply.

So incredibly and so very thoughtful.

I also got a cold food storage bag from Annie that she is putting our name on.  I'll post a picture of it when I get it.

Got a call from Derek wishing me a Happy Mother's Day.

This is a picture that Mallory gave to Lynda Ann for Mother's Day.  It is a picture of Annie and I at Disney Land (we think).

 Annie had us out to her home for dinner and games.  Abby and she fixed a delicious roast with potatoes and carrots.  All in all it was a very fun day.

 This is a picture of David, me and Annie after he did our hair.  Good old COVID-19.  Annie sent this picture to Edwinna.
Thanks and love to all my children and grandchildren for your love and wishes and gifts for a Happy Mother's Day.

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