Neal put Peyton and Boston on a piece of carpet and was pulling them around the house. Brock was on the ride for a while but quickly lost interest. Peyton and Boston were on for as long as Pa was willing to pull them around. Then the next activity was running down the hall and sliding on the tile to see who could slide the greatest distance. Tucker won that contest hands down. He slid from the end of the runner clear into the kitchen cabinets. Nobody topped his distance.
This is a picture of Peyton talking to Emmi. Peyton woke up and wandered into our bedroom just as my cell phone went off. Emmi asked if Peyton was around and it just so happened that she was standing right by me. Peyton was a very happy little girl at that moment. She and Emmi are cousins and best of friends.
Our last picture as we were leaving the church and heading back to Utah. We left at 12:30 p.m. Calif. time and arrived in our driveway at 1:30 a.m. Utah time. Wonderful trip, fun times and a wonderful family!