Friday, March 15, 2024


 This past Wednesday I had my 80 year colonoscopy.  I was hoping at 75 that would be my last one but they felt like they wanted to do one more at 80.  This was the year.  Lynda Ann took care of me and was with me when I was waking up.  Apparently I'm rather funny and loopy when coming out of the anesthetic that they give you.  But all was well and hopefully the biopsies will all come back benign.  

I had an interesting and happy experience the next day.  I wanted to take something to the people who took care of me at the Endo Center.  So Thursday afternoon, I purchased a one pound box of Nuts and Chews from Sees, signed a thank you card and drove up to the Endo Center to give it to the receptionist who could then pass it on to the people on the card.  It was about 1:30 in the afternoon and I figured they would probably be done and close to the end of their day.  As I walked into the reception area I saw about 20 people sitting around in their hospital garb.  They were having a staff meeting!  I apologized for interrupting them and Heidi, the prep nurse, said, "Oh Jeannine."  She got up and came over and gave me a hug and said "How are you feeling?"  I told her that I was doing great and then turned to the group and told them what an amazing group of care givers they were and that my experience had been perfect.  They all smiled and clapped and I quickly excused myself.  What a good feeling to have them all there in a meeting and be able to thank them personally.  I'm not sure health people get enough accolades for the amazing work they do for those of us who need their expertise and encouraging and comforting words.  It was such a good feeling when I walked out of the building and I was so happy that it worked out the way it did.  

The most comforting thing, however, was having Annie with me when I was ready to go home.  She helped me wake up, got me dressed and brought me home and stayed for a little bit and checked up on me often during the day.  We did stop at McDonalds on the way home.  I was starving!!  

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