Thursday, November 9, 2023


 I just have to post an update on our new puppy, Sprout.  He is growing and seems to be a healthy little puppy.  He knows "sit" and "go get your toy".  Pretty good for 11 weeks.  We are still and probably will be for some time, working on the potty training, but he does know (kind of) to ring the bell when he wants to go outside.  He has learned to love his little play pen.  Now he goes in and out of there on his own, which is really good.  I only lock the gate when we are going to be gone for a while.  Mallory also ordered Sprout his new name tag.  It is so cute and nice that he now has his name and phone number on his collar.

He loves to sleep with his head on my shoes.
I love the coloring of the white down the center of his back.  And the black on his tail.
His favorite place to be on a nice day.  He loves to go out and just sit on the back porch.
He almost always comes in from outdoors and runs up stairs to have Neal lift him up on his lap.
This seemed appropriate.
He was up on my bed one evening and I glanced over and couldn't find him for a minute.  I stood up and realized that he was snuggled in between the pillow and all I could see was his little butt and tail sticking out.

This is the new tag that Mallory ordered for Sprout.  So dang cute.

Thanks Mallory.  They are perfect for a perfect little Sprout!

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