Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday Thoughts

This is week 29 since COVID hit and we stopped going to church.  Today, for the first time, we went to Sacrament Meeting.  We wore masks and were ushered in to the chapel and told where to sit so that there was social distancing.  The Bishop greeted us and opened the meeting.  We listened to a song for the opening and then had an opening prayer.  The sacrament was prepared with gloved and masked Priests and passed by gloved and masked deacons.  The deacons approached the sacrament table one at a time and were called back one at a time.  They lined up across the front and were spaced 6' apart.  The bread was served with tongs, dropping the bread into our hands.  The water was served and we kept the cups.  Our Bishop gave a talk and then we listened to a closing song, a prayer was given and then we were ushered out of the building a row at a time.   Certainly very different, but I was so happy to be back with our ward family again.  We weren't allowed to congregate in the building or in the parking lot.  

The Bishop talked on faith and our testimonies and to remember the goodness of the Lord and all the kindnesses we have been shown by Him before.  

I have certainly see the hand of the Lord throughout my whole life and continue to see it now and also in the lives of my children and grandchildren.  I think that is one of the reasons why I keep a journal so that I can record the good things that happen and some of my testimony and feelings about the church.  Jamie actually started me blogging about 10 years or more ago and it is one of the best things I've done.  

President Henry B. Eyring said:  "We are here on this earth to learn ad grow, and the most important learning and growing will come from our covenant connection to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  From our faithful relationship with them, come godly knowledge, love, power, and capacity to serve."

I've come to be grateful that I'm getting older because all the while I am having amazing experiences that mold and define me into me!  And I like me and what I have learned and accomplished.

While sitting in Sacrament Meeting, I thought about Jeffrey and I'm so thankful for the knowledge that I know where Jeffrey is.  No speculation.  I know.  And I know that one day I will see him again glorified and strong.  Not  day goes by that I don't thank my Father in Heaven for His son, the Savior Jesus Christ.

"There will be times when the path ahead seems dark, but keep following the Savior.  he knows the way.  In fact, He is the way."  Brother Stephen W. Owens

One last quote that I love from Jeffrey R. Holland:

"To anybody struggling today, I say, Be hopeful be happy and smile.  Remember that God is on your side.  He is not an angry, vicious God trying to trip you.  He is for you - not against you.  He is your Father.  He is anxious to do everything possible to bless you."

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