Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Scofield Cabin

 Another fun trip to the Stanfield's Scofield cabin.  The trip itself was pretty routine.  We had delicious dinners and lots of bridge along with reading and stitching time.  We also walked up the hill once a day to check on things at home.  

One morning Judy made Aebleskivers.  They are a Danish recipe that Ron fell in love with when he was on his mission in Denver.  Judy bought an Aebleskiver pan, found the recipe and made them for us for breakfast.  They are kind of like a pancake shaped in the size of a golf ball or a little bigger.  You can put syrup, powdered sugar, jam all of them at once on your Aebleskiver.  They are so fun to eat and very fun to watch Judy make them.

Picture of Ron doing what we all typically do at the cabin.  Very relaxed, quiet and fun.  We love it up there.
This is the bunny rabbit that lives under Ron and Judy's cabin porch.  He pops in and out at random and if it is quiet.  We always leave him carrots and lettuce.
This was taken as we were on our walk up the hill to check on our homes.  Can you tell who is who?
Judy fixed us shrimp on skewers along with a tomato pie and corn on the cob.  What a delicious dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Contrary to what Bugs Bunny has shown us, carrots should only be given to bunnies once in a while for treats. Stick to hay and most green leafy veggies. (Cue the music) The More You Know...
