Sunday, July 26, 2020

Mallory Moves

My Little Missionary now has a new member of her family and moved back to Stansbury until she can take her new puppy and move out to Georgia to live with Emmi.  She was supposed to go the first of September, but because of the COVID issue, Emmi has been delayed moving off base so that has delayed Mallory going back.  But with her new little Brinkley, she had to move back to Stansbury until she can get to Georgia.

She moved out while we were in Scofield and when I came home this was waiting for me on my kitchen table.  I sat down, read the note, looked at my Happy Bean Plant that she left for me and shed many tears.  I will miss having her around to laugh at my Gam Moments, help me with computer problems, help me with TV problems, run countless errands, drive throughs for dinner and trips to Provo and shopping.  I'll miss her insight on the gospel and her deep thoughts about the gospel, life and sharing her testimony and mission experiences.  I will miss her sad moments and her happy moments.  I'll miss her standing in the kitchen and talking to me as I get dinner going or as I'm making chocolate chip cookies.  I'll miss sneaking downstairs to fold her laundry and surprise her.  I'll even miss her coming in the kitchen and making me jump because she was so very quiet.  I'll miss our times watering Pa's patio plants "our way"!! 

But, mostly I will miss her presence in my life daily.  How I love my Little Missionary.

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