Friday, November 15, 2024


 Every now and again Sally Curtis and I exchange projects that we need each other's help on.  The project she handed to me a couple of weeks ago was not a fun one.  She had started a counted cross stitch of Noah's Ark.  It is done on linen and when you work on linen you have to be ever so careful that you don't miscount the threads.  If you do it throws the whole thing off.  Well, that is exactly what she did and I think she must have become discouraged and just never finished it.  Unpicking counted cross is tedious and miserable!  So she asked me if I could possible figure out where she went wrong and fix it.  I won't go into detail but I will say that I was able to correct her mistakes and finish the project for her.  It isn't something I would ever pick out to do myself so believe me when I say that it was a "project" for me to finish it.  

I was beyond happy to take the last stitch in it and happily give it back to her.  I will say that she in turn helped me finish a baby quilt and also, without my knowledge, when the extra mile and made a teddy bear to go with the quilt.  Cast your bread upon the water and it comes back two fold!  Something like that.  

The back of the quilt is a soft warm fuzzy material.  Sally has a quilting machine so the even quilted around the blocks.

This is the front side of the quilt.  These are embroidered nursery rhymes that Susan did years ago and just found them recently while doing some cleaning.  I ask her for them and had Sally help me figure out how to put them all together into a quilt.

This is the bear that she made to go with the baby quilt.  The arms and legs move.  Sally is amazing and certainly went the extra mile making the bear to go along with the quilt.  The hours put into Noah's Ark stitchery and the quilt and teddy bear probably cancel each other out.  Nice to have good friends.  This quilt and teddy bear will be a surprise for Susan at Christmas.  

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