Every Tuesday morning I get up at 3:15 a.m. and get myself out the door by 3:50 heading to the Jordan River Temple. I need to be, dressed and in (what we call the Prep Meeting) the meeting at 4:20. Thus starts my service at the temple until 10:00 a.m. I have come to look forward to being there each week serving the patrons who come to do the ordinance work for their ancestors. I have a tendency to think that Spiritual moments usually come while you are in the temple but as I look back at many different tender moments in my life, many of them have not been while I was in the temple. Yesterday was a perfect example. I've come to realize that it is up to me to be open to seeing, feeling, recognizing and acknowledging these tender moments when they happen.
Yesterday morning was one of those mornings when, after many days of gray skies and cold weather, the skies were a bright blue, the sun was shining and the temple grounds were bursting with the colors of Spring. Daffodiles, Tulips and Crocuses were dancing in the warm breeze. As I was leaving the temple and heading to my car and thinking about how much I loved the world around me a little older sister past by and as we past each other she said, "Good morning" and smiled. I was deep in thought but looked up and responded to her. For a brief moment she totally reminded me of Lila Mae. The tears came flooding in my eyes. Did that just happen? Or didn't it. I cried all the way to my car. And as I sat in my car and thought about it, I couldn't deny what I had just experienced. I wanted to go find that sweet sister and hug her. What a beautiful gift she gave me that morning. I am so grateful for the Plan of Salvation and that I know that the veil is thin and our loved ones are always there watching over us. How I miss Lila Mae and how I love her.