Sunday, September 15, 2024

Neal's Surgery

 Remember that Neal fell off the ladder back in June.  Cracked his hip and hurt his shoulder.  All summer has been concentrated on getting the hip to heal and not having to do surgery.  After his hip was healed then they took a good look at the his shoulder and found that there was enough damage that they would have to go in and replace the rotator cuff.  So last Thursday was the operating day.  Jeff Jackson was his surgeon.  We went to St. Marks early on Thursday morning and I had him home by the early afternoon.  Amazing that most surgery are in and out kind of procedures.  As long as the patient has someone at home that can care for them, they let them go home.  This picture is him just getting ready to go home.  I talked with Jeff right after the surgery and he said that there was a lot of damage and a lot of arthritis.

Home and in his comfy recliner where he slept the day away.
Three days after surgery we could take the big padded bandages off and he could shower.  Neal is doing great and has very little pain or discomfort.  Hasn't had to take any pain pills so far.  He has only taken Tylenol and Ibuprofen.  

He begins therapy on his shoulder in two weeks.  I'm sure there will be a little pain at that point.

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