Sunday, September 15, 2024

Catching Up

I haven't been as consistent at blogging as I should be.  It isn't for a lack of events or happenings in my life, it is just getting myself to sit down and do it.  I remember a motto that went around for a couple years that I think was started in the Mormon culture by President Spencer W. Kimball.  It is a good motto to have and I need to get my self in gear and "Do It"!  So here we go.

I'm pretty sure I already talked about Swiss Days.  But I will check back later and make sure that I did because that was a very fun day spent with Annie, Mallory and Hayley and then having lunch with Susan.

My next adventure was being invited up to Judy and Ron's cabin in Scofield for three days.  First time Neal has been up there because of his fall and hip healing.  We had a good time and relaxing.  Judy and Ron introduced us to a new game call Play Nine.  It is a silly game but a fun one and doesn't require a lot of head scratching trying to figure it out.  We played in a number of times and I decided to get Mallory to order it for me on Amazon.  Thinking I may give one to each family.  It is a great family game.

We usually just play bridge and nothing else because Judy does not like other games but she was willing to play this one a couple times and we had a great time with it.

We were in Scofield until Tuesday morning after Labor Day and then headed home to drop Neal off at the temple and then I picked up Sprout from the Pet Hotel.  He was and always is very happy to see his 'mommy' and be home again.

The next day, Neal and I went to St. Mark's and had a Calcium Scan of our arteries just to see how things looked and if there was any thing we need to be concerned or worried about.  We don't have the results back yet.  They should come this week.  They only let us in the room one at a time but I was able to sneak a picture of Neal just before the procedure.  

This is a picture of Sprout cuddled up next to Neal the morning we got back from Scofield.  He certainly misses us when we are gone.

And we certainly miss this little guy.  He has become such a huge part of our lives.  He can be a pill as most puppies can, but we sure love him.

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