Sunday, September 15, 2024

My Glasses

 Sprout has an affinity to my sewing glasses and my sun glasses.  I've done my best to keep them up where he can't get them but so far have failed at protecting them.  The first pair he got his little teeth on were my glasses that I only use when I'm stitching on linen.  While I was running some errands, he carefully took them off the foot stool where I keep my stitching.  When I got home he was under the bed feeling pretty proud of himself.  I had to grab my phone and get a picture.  I was laughing at him so hard I wasn't sure I could hold the camera steady.

When I came home from church today he was on the carpet with my sun glasses in his mouth!  Again, I started laughing and had to quickly get my phone and take a picture of him.  The little stinker.  But how can I get mad.  I can't.  I'm the one who leaves them where he can get them.  And his face is so innocent looking.  And yes, both glasses were ruined.  
We've also discovered that glasses are the only thing he loves to chew on.  I opened the back door the other day and there he was sitting by the door with one of Neal's flowers in his mouth.  Again, so cute and so innocent!  For some reason he loves this particular flower and has bitten all but three of them off at the stem.  He doesn't eat the flower, just the chews on the stem.  Funny puppy!  You can't help but love that face and those great big black eyes.  Just isn't possible to get mad at him.  

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