Tuesday, October 1, 2024

O Canada Our Home and Native Land

 Lynda Ann and I spent some time in Seattle gathering genealogy and then on to Canada for three days or R and R.  What an amazing trip.  Lynda Ann has everything all researched and planned out so all I have to do is tag along and follow the script.  She does extensive research on every trip we go on so she knows the best sights to see and spend our time exploring.  

Seattle is where my mother was born.  She had a sister, Edith, who had a daughter, Sandy.  Sandy has been an avid genealogist and has gathered pages and pages of research on the Frye side as well as her dad's side.  Sandy is not a member of the church and has no use for people who want to take the names to the temple.  That being made clear a long time ago, Annie and I never brought up the real reason for gathering the genealogy records.  Sandy knew we were coming and had run lots of research off for me.  She made the comment, numerous times, that because Lynda Ann was not a blood relative, she wouldn't give the genealogy to her.  Don't ask me why that made a difference with her but it did.  We just had to smile and ignore the comments about DNA and blood line.  Sandy had let her younger brother, Jimmy, know that we would be there Wednesday morning and so he also came to see us.  I always love Jimmy.  We were absolute inseparable buddies growing up.

This is a picture of Jimmy (two years younger than me), Sandy (two years older and not a very happy person) and myself.  You can see the Frye family resemblance.

A big genealogy chart Sandy had on her wall.

This is a picture of Uncle Art, Uncle Henry, Aunt Edith and mother.  Uncle Henry was my favorite.  Annie remembers him giving her a bottle of dimes when she was on a trip with me when she was a little girl.  None of mother's siblings ever joined the church.  

We hung around at Sandy's until about 1 that afternoon and then said our goodbyes and headed off to the Canadian border.  It started raining and continued to rain hard the closer we got to the border.  Going in to Canada took us about 5 minutes.  I think there was only one car in front of us.

The Canadian flag in a huge flower garden.
Approaching the border crossing.

We made a stop at Costco as we were leaving Seattle to see if we could get Jeff a Seattle Seahawk sweat shirt.  From there we crossed the boarder and headed to our rental house in Britannia Beach, British Columbia.  We found a restaurant, had a bite to eat, back to the house and settled in for the night.  It was still raining hard and the weather was predicted to rain the whole time we were going to be there.

Thursday morning we got up early.  Annie had done her research and a hike was on our agenda for that morning.  We wanted to get the hike in before the rain started up again.  We drove to Shannon Falls and were able to see and take pictures without the rain.  We then walked a short distance to the Sea to Sky gondola.  Bought our tickets and boarded the gondola.  The wonderful thing was that we think the rain and the time of year kept people away from the sights.  We ran into very few people and had the gondola ride all to ourselves on the way up and on the way back down.  

We saw this gorgeous blue bird in the parking lot and had to take a picture.  Annie was able to take some great close ups.  It was as if he knew we were taking his picture and had to pause and pose for us.

Absolute gorgeous and massive water fall.  Pictures just don't get the majesty of the amount of water and height of the falls.

The forest areas around the falls was incredible.

Just prior to boarding the gondola.  

The amazing blessing was that it rain all the way up to the top but stopped when we got off the gondola.  The skies cleared and we were able to enjoy the beautiful workings of God's hands.  

We walked the panorama trail at the top and crossed the Suspension Bridge.

We saw this funny tree formation that looked like a moose to me.  An elephant to Lynda.

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