Sunday, September 15, 2024

More Birthday Celebrations

 When I was serving as the stake Relief Society President, one of my counselors was Vicki Parry.  We found out that we shared the same birthday month so every August we get together for lunch.  It is a great time to catch up on each other lives, children and church stuff.  We usually give each other a little something.  This year I have her a ceramic pumpkin and had Lynda Ann make Vicki a bag with a pumpkin on it.  Sadly, I forgot to take a picture of either one of them.  Vicki and I went to lunch at Zuppas and chatted for a couple of hours.  She gave me these two darling bowls that can be used for any number of things.  I've chosen to use them for mine and Neal's midnight ice cream snack.  Well, maybe midnight is pushing it a bit but it is usually well in to the evening.  They are the perfect size and I love them.

A couple days later I met Maren for lunch out at Gourmandise.  It is a European cuisine type.  The food was delicious and we brought home some desserts.  It was so good to spend some 'just the two of us' time together.  We talked about many things.  Some trivial and some very personal.  Those mother/daughter times are always precious to me.  Maren also gave me my birthday gift.  I've already used it for a couple things and find that it is a very useful kitchen tool.  Thanks Maren for lunch, the visit, the present and especially your love.

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