Saturday, July 20, 2024

Tending Hurley

 Vern and Nanette had a trip to Hawaii planned and had to find a place or someone who would tend there little Shih Tau named Hurley.  He is about 13 years old.  Vernon called me and asked if I would be willing to tend him for a week.  Hurley and Sprout got along famously.  The only problem was that Hurley, being old, didn't want to wrestle around and play as much as Sprout did.  It was fun to watch them.  Sprout was relentless and Hurley spent most of this time trying to move away from Sprout only to be pounced on once he laid down.  Funny to watch.  They were really good about eating and not growling at each other.  A couple of times they left their dish and went over to the other one and neither dog seemed to care.  It was all good.  Of course we had both dogs on our bed every night.  Some fun pictures,

Such good buddies.  Even share the blanket.

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