Sunday, July 21, 2024

Saturday's Events

 Saturday morning began with Tucker and the girls along with Maren, leaving here about 8:30 to hike up to Dough Nut Falls.  Tucker said they had a great time and the falls were beautiful.  Tucker figured out how to climb behind the falls and in the dough nut shaped rock.  He and Maren and Peyton were the brave ones who did that.  Getting ready to head out.

Cute girls standing by he falls
Peyton and Tucker behind the falls.  

While they were gone, Neal and I got the tables set up and then cut up all the fruit and veggies and got everything ready for the big dinner at 6:00.  The hike was fun for all who went.  When they got back Lexi and Peyton crashed and had a nice long nap while Tucker, Neal, Jordyn Lyn and I played the 4-Handed game.  Mallory arrived with Brinkley around 2 and had a nice visit with the girls and Tucker.  

Everyone started arrive around 5:30 and the party began.  It has been quite a while since we 've had this many family member all together at the same time.  This was actually the weekend we would have been in Brian Head for our birthday celebration.  But, we had a grand time right here in our own back yard.  

Tucker was in charge of barbecuing the hamburgers, chicken and hot dogs.  Maren brought her famous pasta salad.  Mindy brought chips and ranch dip and Lynda Ann brought puppy chow.  Mindy, Robert and Grayson represented the Hintze family.  Jeff, Annie, Mallory, Andrew, Hayley and Alex represented the Gertson clan.  Tucker, Jordyn Lyn, Lexi and Peyton represented the Maxfield group.  Greg, Maren, Taylor, Brock and Mr. Boston were here for the Cutler group and Lyndsy and Sunshine represented the Goss's.  23 including Neal and I.  It was a fun time.  Mindy and Robert brought a speaker and played music out in the back yard.  Maren and Greg brought the Corn Hole game.  At one time I noticed we had people sitting at the kitchen table, another group on the patio, another group out on the lawn and another group out on the driveway.  Mindy and the music kept things rocking until about 9 or 9:30.  Then everyone moved into the house and those who were still here played What Were You Thinking.  Such a fun game and great for a large group like ours.  The group did sign happy birthday to Neal and I.  It was nice to have so many family members gathered together.  Like I've said before, pictures talk better than words some times.  So here are some fun pictures:

I have to throw this picture in here.  Tucker and I found Neal asleep just before the party started.  Lexi was playing the piano and must have put Neal out!  Tucker sneaked in behind him to get this picture.
Lexi putting Pa to sleep!
Brock, Boston and Grayson playing Corn Hold with Pa keeping score.
More spectators.  Robert, Hayley and Alex

Maren trying to get her dad in a dancing mood and on the right beat!
Just hanging out on the driveway
Group pictures of the grandchildren with their grandparents.  
Me taking a picture of Maren taking a picture of the group.
Eleven of our twenty grandchildren.  
Taylor decided she was going to try and stand up with Neal's walker - and she did!!

I hope it was as fun for everyone as it was for Neal and I.  And thanks for all who helped make this gathering such a success.  We loved having so many family members together.  Our family is very diverse and has had its own set of problems and issues but when the kids and grandkids are all together, everyone mostly forgets the underlying issues and love seems to surface.  It was a great day and such a fun day! 

Brinkley and Sprout were down for the count and all of us followed shortly after.  

Thanks everyone for filling our emotional wells to overflowing!

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