Friday, July 12, 2024

Good Times and Sad Times

 Somehow, it always seems that good times usually end up with a sad time.  It's saying goodbye that makes my heart sad.  But it's best to dwell on the good times and hold them close to your heart.  Both Emmi and Abby were in town this past two weeks and it was so fun to have the girls here.  Abby was able to stay for about 4 days and Emmi for two weeks.  Emmi goes home early in the morning.  The nice thing is that we can always look forward to the next time they will be with us.  This year it looks like Christmas will be the next time when both of them will be in town.  There were lots of fun evenings playing games - and that is my favorite time of all.  I was raised on table games and I love them.  Not a big board game like Monopoly or Risk, etc. but card games are my most favorite type of table games.  The Gertsons seem to like those kind as well, so it makes for a very fun evening of play, laughing and a little bit of competing.  

Neal is still non weight bearing on his hip so the Gertson's were good enough to come to our house instead of Neal and I trying to go out there.  (Just for the record, we have just ended our 5th week since the accident and only have one more week to go!  YAHOO)

Neal and I made jam yesterday so that Emmi would have some fresh jam to take back to Hawaii with her.  It was such an incredibly fun evening with good food and lots of games until about 11:30 and then the sad moments of saying goodbye.  Oh, I have to add one funny thing here.  We were all out on the driveway getting our last bit of conversations in.  I turn around and Andrew got on his knees to give me a hug.  Seriously, I only had to bend over a tiny bit to hug him.  We laughed and laughed.  It was most definitely a Kodak moment but no one got it.  However, I will remember it forever.  Thanks Andrew man!  You do light up my life.

This week I'm tending Vern and Nanette's dog, Hurley.  He along with Sprout and Brinkley had been outside playing.  We were all at the table playing games when we notice that all three dogs were lined up by size at the back door waiting for someone to let them come in.  How cute is that?  

Emmi with her Cheesecake Factory chocolate cake.  I think it is called Linda's Decadent Chocolate Cake!  Oh my gosh!  Decadent it was and delicious.

Neal was here, just had him taking the picture.

I feel so blessed to have such wonderful children and grandchildren.  Neal and I were able to sing and talk to Jaden on his birthday yesterday.  He said that he had been down to Lake Powell but was now back to work.  So good to connect with him.  We love all out grandchildren and don't get to see them often enough but relish the times when we get to be together with them.  

Have a safe trip back to Hawaii Emmi.  We love you!!

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