Saturday, July 20, 2024

New Calling

 The Bishop called me into his office last Sunday and asked me if I wanted to be a temple ordinance worker.  I knew that was what he was going to ask me so I'd had time to think about it and had decided that I would say yes and give it a try.  This past week I had an appointment to be at the temple at 3:00 to be interviewed and set apart.  I was set apart by Brother Richard Boyer.  I have to be honest that I wasn't all that excited about being an ordinance worker nor did I have any anticipation of what it was going to be like being set apart.  I had said a prayer before I left the house that I would know that this was what I should be doing.  The very minute Brother Boyer laid his hand on my head I was overwhelmed with emotion that I couldn't contain.  I knew without a doubt that mother, Lila Mae and Annette were all there to be a part of this sacred moment.  It is love that one cannot describe.  To know that they are aware of me and my activities is beyond comprehension.  I thought the whole experience would be insignificant and without emotion.  It was on the other end of the spectrum from what I thought it would be.  I wish I had a recording of the blessing because it was beautiful.  Right after they wanted to take a picture of me and I was a mess.  Red eyes, tears running down my face, etc.  

When I got home, I took Sprout for a walk and saw this beautiful, delicate little white butterfly following me along my walk from bush to bush.  And I finally had to stop and take a picture of it.  I got so close I could almost see the little eyes and yet the little thing didn't move.  A sign?  I don't know.  But, I would like to think it was another moment with my mother and sisters.

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