Monday, July 29, 2024

Early Celebration

 Ron and Judy invited Neal and I to their home last Saturday evening to celebrate my birthday.  They are going to Bear Lake all next week and so Judy wanted to celebrate before instead of after.  She asked me what I wanted and I couldn't decide between two of my favorite meals that she makes so I told her she could pick the one she wanted.  We had a delicious shrimp dinner - which I love.  However, I think I had a little bit of a reaction to the shrimp.  Had a few hives pop up.  That's happened before.  But, the dinner was delicious and then after we had cleaned things up we played bridge.  Toward the end of the evening, she brought out dessert and then gave me my presents.  I got the best surprise.  She had also made the other dinner that I love and had everything in a box.  The meatloaf, slurry (that goes on top), dressing for the salad, the mashed potatoes and sweet onions and pickles.  On to of the meatloaf she had tinfoil and the temperature and time of baking.  

This was our shrimp dinner that Judy was dishing up.  She is such an amazing cook!

She also gave me a pizza cutter.  They had been at our home a couple weeks prior and had brought Papa Murphy's pizza with them.  They wanted to cut the pizza with a pizza cutter that I didn't have.  Thus, the pizza cutter for my birthday.  Then to top the gifts off, she gave me a t-shirt that I had seen and fell in love with.  

It was such a fun evening.  The t-shirt I tried on Sunday after church and it fit perfectly.  Love it!  Thanks Ron and Judy for continuing my 80th birthday celebration!  How wonderful to have such good friends!

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Goodbyes

 It always comes to that.  The saying goodbyes.  I think the thing that makes me the saddest is one never knows when they say goodbye if that is the last time they will see them or they see us.  Sunday Tucker and his girls went to Utah Lake to meet the Cutlers and go boating.  They were gone most of the day.  They got back about 6:30.  They were all exhausted, sunburned and very happy to tell what they accomplished.  None of Tucker's girls had been involved in water activities for years if at all so it was a fun time for them.  They were all able to get up and feel the freedom of skipping along the top of the water.  I remember those days and how I loved the wind in my face and the water splashing over me.  

After they got back we played 6-handed Rook and then everyone turned in for the night.  This morning they packed and were out and ready to go by 10:00 a.m.  Neal and I had just come back from Neal's shoulder therapy.  We had a family prayer and then with hugs and tears and lots of love, sent them on their journey back to California.  Love this family and so grateful that we were able to have them with us for a few days.  Jordyn Lyn graduates college next year - graphic design, Lexi begins her Junior year at Fresno State - probably majoring in psychology, and Peyton Jean graduates from high school and will probably go into aesthetician and cosmetology.  They are so grown up and so beautiful.  I will say here that Peyton is a total and complete mini Jamie.  Peyton and I are the teary ones.  Just can't get through the goodbyes without the tears.  Some happy tears and some sad tears.  Drive home safely and remember that you are always loved!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Saturday's Events

 Saturday morning began with Tucker and the girls along with Maren, leaving here about 8:30 to hike up to Dough Nut Falls.  Tucker said they had a great time and the falls were beautiful.  Tucker figured out how to climb behind the falls and in the dough nut shaped rock.  He and Maren and Peyton were the brave ones who did that.  Getting ready to head out.

Cute girls standing by he falls
Peyton and Tucker behind the falls.  

While they were gone, Neal and I got the tables set up and then cut up all the fruit and veggies and got everything ready for the big dinner at 6:00.  The hike was fun for all who went.  When they got back Lexi and Peyton crashed and had a nice long nap while Tucker, Neal, Jordyn Lyn and I played the 4-Handed game.  Mallory arrived with Brinkley around 2 and had a nice visit with the girls and Tucker.  

Everyone started arrive around 5:30 and the party began.  It has been quite a while since we 've had this many family member all together at the same time.  This was actually the weekend we would have been in Brian Head for our birthday celebration.  But, we had a grand time right here in our own back yard.  

Tucker was in charge of barbecuing the hamburgers, chicken and hot dogs.  Maren brought her famous pasta salad.  Mindy brought chips and ranch dip and Lynda Ann brought puppy chow.  Mindy, Robert and Grayson represented the Hintze family.  Jeff, Annie, Mallory, Andrew, Hayley and Alex represented the Gertson clan.  Tucker, Jordyn Lyn, Lexi and Peyton represented the Maxfield group.  Greg, Maren, Taylor, Brock and Mr. Boston were here for the Cutler group and Lyndsy and Sunshine represented the Goss's.  23 including Neal and I.  It was a fun time.  Mindy and Robert brought a speaker and played music out in the back yard.  Maren and Greg brought the Corn Hole game.  At one time I noticed we had people sitting at the kitchen table, another group on the patio, another group out on the lawn and another group out on the driveway.  Mindy and the music kept things rocking until about 9 or 9:30.  Then everyone moved into the house and those who were still here played What Were You Thinking.  Such a fun game and great for a large group like ours.  The group did sign happy birthday to Neal and I.  It was nice to have so many family members gathered together.  Like I've said before, pictures talk better than words some times.  So here are some fun pictures:

I have to throw this picture in here.  Tucker and I found Neal asleep just before the party started.  Lexi was playing the piano and must have put Neal out!  Tucker sneaked in behind him to get this picture.
Lexi putting Pa to sleep!
Brock, Boston and Grayson playing Corn Hold with Pa keeping score.
More spectators.  Robert, Hayley and Alex

Maren trying to get her dad in a dancing mood and on the right beat!
Just hanging out on the driveway
Group pictures of the grandchildren with their grandparents.  
Me taking a picture of Maren taking a picture of the group.
Eleven of our twenty grandchildren.  
Taylor decided she was going to try and stand up with Neal's walker - and she did!!

I hope it was as fun for everyone as it was for Neal and I.  And thanks for all who helped make this gathering such a success.  We loved having so many family members together.  Our family is very diverse and has had its own set of problems and issues but when the kids and grandkids are all together, everyone mostly forgets the underlying issues and love seems to surface.  It was a great day and such a fun day! 

Brinkley and Sprout were down for the count and all of us followed shortly after.  

Thanks everyone for filling our emotional wells to overflowing!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

California Family Arrives

 Yesterday about 5:30 Tucker, Jordyn Lyn, Lexi and Peyton pulled into the driveway.  What an exciting time.  It has been a year since I've seen the girls so was very happy to have them here.  Our sweet Jamie wasn't with them and I was sad.  She will always be missed at these family gatherings.  

We sat around the table and chatted and munched on some hot, right out of the oven home made bread.  Then we started playing games.  One is called Fruit Salad, which we all loved.  We started a game of reds when Maren, Greg, Brock and Boston came in.  The rest of the evening was sitting around the table reminiscing and laughing.  The Cutlers left about 11:30 with plans to return in the morning for a hike up to Doughnut Falls.  However, only Maren made it this morning.  Pictures always speak better than words.

Showing off!!!

Who is taller?  Brock wins!!
Fun to have some of the grandkids together last night.

Playing games

Lots more activities planned for this afternoon and evening.  We will be having a barbecue around 6 pm with lots of fun, laughter and many table games to top off the evening along with lots more pictures.  

When the Weather is Hot . . . .

Just finished another stitching project.  I've notice that most of the stitching projects that I do are probably in the Folk Art category.  I love the old brick houses and as I look around the walls at the ones I've done, that seems to be the dominant theme.  Neal and I took it to the Framing Establishment to get it framed.  

I've started another project.  This one is a baby announcement.  I'll do it and then set it aside to have a name and date put on it if it is ever needed.  I don't know how long I will stitching and I don't know how long it may be before a new baby come into the family so I'll just have one done - for just in case :-)


34 Years

 Neal and I celebrated our 34 years of marriage on the 17th of July.  Neal is still recovering from a cracked hip but we didn't let that keep us from having lunch or dinner at Market Street Grill.  We decided that with his walker having to tag along that lunch would be less crowded and easier for us.  We went about noon and had a delicious lunch.  That evening about 8:30 we were both hungry for something sweet so we drove over to get an ice cream cone.  It isn't an easy task to decide to go somewhere because that requires Neal having to slide down the stairs on his butt and then slowly walk out to the car.  Getting in and out of the car is also a process.  Goodness.  I will be happy when he can walk on both feet again!  I'm sure he is as frustrated as I am.  We went to the doctor yesterday only to find out that he has about 3 or 4 more weeks with the walker.  That was a disappointment for both of us.  But, it is what it is.  We've had 34 years of ups and downs as most marriages experience.  Neal believes it has been a beautiful train ride all the way.  My experience is more of a roller coaster ride with highs, dips and turns and even a bit of terror every now and then.  A combined family adds all kind of unexpected layers of issues that have to be dealt with.  But, we have weathered the storms and at 34 years and 80 years old, I think we are doing pretty good.  Happy anniversary to the man of my life.

New Calling

 The Bishop called me into his office last Sunday and asked me if I wanted to be a temple ordinance worker.  I knew that was what he was going to ask me so I'd had time to think about it and had decided that I would say yes and give it a try.  This past week I had an appointment to be at the temple at 3:00 to be interviewed and set apart.  I was set apart by Brother Richard Boyer.  I have to be honest that I wasn't all that excited about being an ordinance worker nor did I have any anticipation of what it was going to be like being set apart.  I had said a prayer before I left the house that I would know that this was what I should be doing.  The very minute Brother Boyer laid his hand on my head I was overwhelmed with emotion that I couldn't contain.  I knew without a doubt that mother, Lila Mae and Annette were all there to be a part of this sacred moment.  It is love that one cannot describe.  To know that they are aware of me and my activities is beyond comprehension.  I thought the whole experience would be insignificant and without emotion.  It was on the other end of the spectrum from what I thought it would be.  I wish I had a recording of the blessing because it was beautiful.  Right after they wanted to take a picture of me and I was a mess.  Red eyes, tears running down my face, etc.  

When I got home, I took Sprout for a walk and saw this beautiful, delicate little white butterfly following me along my walk from bush to bush.  And I finally had to stop and take a picture of it.  I got so close I could almost see the little eyes and yet the little thing didn't move.  A sign?  I don't know.  But, I would like to think it was another moment with my mother and sisters.

Tending Hurley

 Vern and Nanette had a trip to Hawaii planned and had to find a place or someone who would tend there little Shih Tau named Hurley.  He is about 13 years old.  Vernon called me and asked if I would be willing to tend him for a week.  Hurley and Sprout got along famously.  The only problem was that Hurley, being old, didn't want to wrestle around and play as much as Sprout did.  It was fun to watch them.  Sprout was relentless and Hurley spent most of this time trying to move away from Sprout only to be pounced on once he laid down.  Funny to watch.  They were really good about eating and not growling at each other.  A couple of times they left their dish and went over to the other one and neither dog seemed to care.  It was all good.  Of course we had both dogs on our bed every night.  Some fun pictures,

Such good buddies.  Even share the blanket.