Monday, May 13, 2024

Our Sweet Lexi

 Life certainly has a way of throwing challenges at every family.  Unexpected events that we never imagined.  Our sweet Lexi passed out last week and hit her head resulting in a concussion.  she was taken to the ER for a scan and it looked like that at some time in the past she had a stroke.  They took her in for an MRI and the doctors found a tumor.

The doctors are debating just exactly what should be done.  Do they do a biopsy and brain surgery to remove the tumor.  The decision was made to take her to surgery and remove the tumor.  This is Sunday morning on Mother's Day, May 12th at about 1:00 p.m.

Lexi has already endured years of topical Scleroderma and rheumatoid arthritis.  so she has certainly had her share of health issues.  The report came back that the surgery went well.  It is a low grade tumor meaning the cells grow slow and the doctors felt like they were able to get all of it.  They went in right above her eyebrow and didn't need to shave her head.  She will have a small scar extending from her right  eyebrow and won't be that noticeable.  Tucker said that they will learn more when they get the full results from the tumor back in a week.  They will know if it is cancerous, which they will treat it as if it is.  At that time they will work out a plan for her recovery.

Lots of prayers and love from all her extended family.  We all love you Lexi and pray for your speedy recovery.

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