Friday, May 17, 2024

Mother's Day cont . . . .

 I have to start this post off with the message I got from Tucker last week.  It goes like this, and to quote:

"Your Mother's Day present will arrive on Tuesday.  If it's not to your liking or taste, I have no problem with you recycling or donating the gift.  They will work very well in a nursery to clean up vomit, or you can take it to an old folks home so they can wipe poop off the residence, or give to the scouts to create kindling.  All of these are fantastic alternative uses of your gift." 

Tuesday morning my gifts came in the mail.  I honestly had no idea what he could possibly be sending me that wouldn't be something useful for me or something that I would like.  Well, I got my gifts and I LOVE them and whether he wants to admit it or not, he has excellent taste!!

Now come on.  One has to admit that the shirts are stylish and very cute and perfect for an avid BYU fan.  Thanks Tucker!  I LOVE them.

I also got some pictures of Derek.  I told him that his hair was pretty wild so he sent me some pictures.

What a handsome dude!!!  

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