Monday, May 13, 2024

Mother's Day

 Sunday morning was the typical Sunday morning.  Neal and I went to MBK for church services with the elderly.  We passed out a candy bar and a book mark to all the mothers.  Then at 11:20 we headed out to Stansbury to hear Jeff speak in Sacrament Meeting.  

I wish I had a copy of his talk.  It was incredible.  He talked about his mother, her importance in his life, then about his friend's mothers and what an impact they were in his life.  He spoke about what people usually say about a mother in law (which is usually negative) and then gave me an incredible compliment and what I have meant in his life.  Then he said something like this, "But the greatest gift my mother in law gave me was her daughter Lynda Ann who is my wife."  From there he talked about how amazing and selfless Lynda Ann is.  His talk was amazing and touched many hearts in the audience.  

After sacrament meeting we stayed for the second hour and then headed back to Annie's for games and a delicious dinner.  I was surprised with new blue slippers, and the most beautiful picture from the artist Paige Payne.  The picture is titled 'All Of These Broken Pieces Make Something Beautiful'.  This is the message that came with the painting:

    "This piece is inspired by my own mother.  It incorporates Kintsugi, a Japanese pottery technique where broken pottery is repaired with a gold lacquer.  The piece is considered even more precious after it is repaired.  The pottery's history is not considered something that should be hidden, but something that should be celebrated.  Over the past few years, my own mom and I have gone through a lot.  Our family has shattered and broken in ways that I never thought were possible.  This piece is a reminder that those broken pieces, when put back together, an make something even more beautiful and valuable than they were before.  In life, it is guaranteed that we will break.  What is magical and beautiful is the beauty that can come after healing.  I know that healing is possible, even though sometimes it may take a lot of time and hard work.  All of those broken pieces truly can make something beautiful."

Annie and I have been through a lot together but through the years have always managed to come out on top and have learned how deeply a love between a mother and daughter can be.  

As Neal, Sprout and I were leaving, she surprised me with one more gift.  It is two end tables to use when I have the ladies over for bridge.  I don't have a picture of them yet because I need to put them (or she needs to) together.  

When we got home, I got a call from Derek wishing me a happy Mother's Day and he even created a song and sang it to me.  AMAZING!  If I can get the words to the song he sang to me, I'll put them on my blog.  

       "In cozy kitchen her laughter fills the air.  Jeannine's warmth and love beyond compare.  With a             heart as vast as the endless sky, she's the guiding light never saying goodbye.     Happy Mother's             Day to our guiding star.  Jeannine you are cherished near and far.  Your love like sunshine forever          bright in every hug in every smile in every flight.    A BYU fan cheering loud and proud.  In the             stands her spirit soars above the crowd.  But her greatest team, her family and friends with her                 life's journey never truly ends.  

        Happy mother's day to our guiding star.  Jeannine you are cherished near and far.    Your love like         sunshine forever bright, in every hug in every smile in every flight.   In the kitchen she's a master             of the dough.  Bread and dinner from her hands they flow.  And at the table in card games she is            grand.  In every hand she hold the winning hand.

        To Jeannine, our Gam so true.  In every moment, we're inspired by you.  Happy Mother's Day,                 with love that will never sway.  In our hearts you will forever stay."  

 It was amazing and I LOVED it!  That boy is full of talents!!  I wish you could all hear him singing the song.  It was certainly a perfect ending to an absolutely PERFECT day!!!  

I will end by saying that it's strange being a mom of kids spanning the ages!  You all have independent lives and are all so different with your own personalities and gifts and talents.  Sometimes I still feel a bit overwhelmed trying to be an influential mom and gam to all my family who are in such different places in their lives.  I have certainly changed and feel like I'm a different mom now than I was 10 and 20 years ago.  This just proves at any age of motherhood, you never actually know what you're doing, and just praying you're doing it right.

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