Sunday, August 4, 2024

80 Years Old and Still in Love with Life!

 Turning 80 is kind of a milestone, I think.  However, I think my generation is living much longer lives.  I'm loving that I'm in such good health -that is a blessing I will be thankful for every single day!  

Found some fun pictures of me through the years:

The bump on the side of my eye was caused when I was about 2 years old and walking under a table and hit the corner of the table and the bump appeared.  I had it removed in 1965.  

The glamor shot that Annie and I both did.  Yes, Gertsons, your mom has one too!

Through the day, yesterday I had texts from all of Neal's siblings wishing me a happy birthday.  Also had texts from Jamie, Lexi, Peyton, Taylor, Jordyn Lyn, Lyndsy, Mary, Mindy, Maren, Greg and many friends and even my hair dresser, David!  Susan and David both called me and sang happy birthday.  That was a treat.  Abby called me first thing in the morning and we chatted while she was on her way to work.  Emmi called in the afternoon and Tucker called later in the evening.  Thanks to all of you who reached out to wish me a happy birthday.

The day began with Mallory and Brinkley coming with a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and white daisies.  My favorite color rose and the white daisies were gorgeous.  Thank you Mallory, I love you!

Mallory and I ran to Jimmy Johns for a quick bite and then ran a couple errands before heading back home.  We had a little bit of time before the Gertsons were to arrive so Neal, Mallory and I played a game of Nickels to Nickels and Neal handily beat us - but we had fun.  The Gertson showed up with dinner and drinks about 5:30.  Annie was going to make Navaho Tacos but they lost the power at their house so they did a step left and we had pizza instead.  It was delicious.  After a quick bite to eat I opened presents.  Annie had to work that night so we had to move things along pretty fast.  I had asked for a 4 cup measuring picture and some wire whisks.  Got both and so happy.  Andrew wrapped my measuring cup!!

When Annie came in the house she also had a beautiful bouquet of roses from my Hawaii.  Well I don't think they actually came clear from Hawaii but they did come from Emmi who lives in Hawaii and I could feel the love across the ocean!  Thanks Emmi.  They are gorgeous and every time I look at them, I smile and think of you.

Then Lynda Ann Presented me with my birthday cake flown here from California.  It was the same type cake that Abby had for her wedding.  You have to order these cakes way ahead.  You can't just go in the shop and buy one they have to be ordered and either picked up or shipped.  Absolutely the most delicious cake on the planet!  It made me cry that Annie would go to that trouble and that expense!  

Jeffrey always gives me a present that he has picked out and is from him.  This is what I got this year and I can't wait to put it together.

Andrew trying to dodge being in the picture!

Lynda Ann also gave me some very personal writings, from her journal of years ago, that I'm not going to post.  They are too deeply felt and sacred between the two of us.  Those years were rough for us but as we leaned on each other's love, we made it through.  So grateful for this daughter of mine.  I will share what she wrote in my birthday card:

Sadly, Annie had to leave for work and Hayley and Alex also had to head home but Jeffrey, Mallory, Andrew, Neal and I gathered around the table again for a game of Shanghai.  Always a fun way to end an evening if I don't win.  

Some time during the day some flowers and chocolates ended up on my porch.  No name was on them so I didn't know where they came from but after some texting and deductions I text Jamie and she was the sender of some gorgeous flowers and chocolates.  

Then to top off the evening, I went to the mail box and there was a package from Tucker and this was in it.
Tucker knows where my sports loyalties will ALWAYS lie.  Thanks Tucker - I love it!
My friend, Mindy, who is my early morning walking partner gave me this:

After everyone left, Neal and I made a quick trip to the grocery store for some needed items.  As I was walking back in the house, I glanced up at the sign above our dining room table that says: "The best memories are made gathered around the table."  No truer words ever spoken and I could even add here that not only friends grow together, but families grow together through stormy days and sunny days.

Thanks and with lots of love to all of the family who reached out and those who went the extra mile to make my 80th such a fun and very memorable day.  I told the Gertsons that I was kind of excited to turn 80 feeling like I was still 60.  I'm grateful to know that we will have an eternity together laughing until we can't breathe, sharing memories, and surrounding the table playing games."  I'm a very happy and feel like a deeply loved Mom and pocket sized Gam at 80!

Haven't changed too much, right?  :-)

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