Sunday, June 9, 2024

Friday Night Disaster (kind of)

 Neal and Tucker went with Greg down to Spanish Fork to get Tucker's new car.  Annie and I drove up to the outlets just for fun.  We had decided that it would be fun to go out to dinner so we decided to meet at the Rio Grand on 2nd South and 1300 East.  Little did we know that there was a country western concert that night at the U.  OMGOSH the traffic was horrendous.  Coming from all directions.  But we were able to find parking and have a nice dinner.  Jeff and I parked illegally but were lucky not to get a ticket.  I guess someone was looking out for us.  Annie was in her car and found a parking spot out front but had a miserable time trying to get the meter to do what it was supposed to so she could park legally.  She came in fuming but soon settled down.  Maren and Greg weren't able to join us.  It was kind of a last minute decision to meet for dinner and there was just too many things going on. 

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