Sunday, June 9, 2024

Baseball and Lacross

 We have two grandsons playing two very different sports.  Boston loves baseball and Brock is conquering the game of La Cross.  Tucker flew in Thursday evening.  We picked him up at the airport at 7:30 and drove straight to Boston's baseball game.  Fun to watch Boston and especially nice to have Tucker able to see one of his games.  

We surprised Brock at his game on Friday morning.  I have to be honest and say that I barely, if at all, understand the game of La Cross but it was fun to watch and especially fun to see Brock in action running up and down the field.

Yup, Sprout got to watch the game!  He was really good.  First time I've ever taken him to an event.  

Proud of both of these grandsons and what they are accomplishing in school and in sports.  

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