Sunday, January 7, 2018

It's to laugh

I suppose every time a Christmas tree decoration bulb hits the floor and is broken, Neal and I think of Peyton and how upset he got when she accidently dropped a bulb and he got a little over excited.  As we put the decorations on the tree this year there must have been two or three bulbs smashed to pieces as they made contact with the floor.  The same thing happened as we took down the tree.  I think thee more bulbs bit the dust.  I'll actually be glad when all these glass bulbs finally are gone!  just had to post some pictures of the broken bulbs in pieces on the floor - just for Peyton!

 Neal and I can't possibly lift the heavy big boxes up on the shelves in the garage, so we had to push them up against the East window and partially under the piano until we get some strong arms that come to visit and can help us hoist these boxes where they are supposed to be.  You know it is driving me crazy having them sitting here, but I'm doing my best to ignore them.
 This is our kitchen almost completely put back together and Christmas put away.  Neal doing his job of filling the cabinet with the dishes for the next few months.
 And this is me watching a good NFL football game and happy that Christmas is finally and completely put away until November of 2018.
 I might add here, that as I was cleaning the kitchen, I made the decision that 'Count Your Blessing' had been up long enough and was looking pretty bad so I kissed it goodbye and it is no longer a part of the kitchen.  It has made it's way to the land fill.  May it rest in peace!

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