Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sunday Thoughts

I had the opportunity to go out to Lynda Ann's and sit in the audience and hear her talk about her journey of finding her biological ancestors and doing their temple work.  I wish I had a recording of it.  It was such a spiritual experience to hear her talk about her personal temple experiences.  She told about being adopted and how she never had a problem with being adopted but never felt a connection to the Hintze or Ross ancestors.  Her earliest memory is thinking about all the people who were in Heaven waiting for her to do the research and find them so their work could be done.

Through some help with a family history expert she was able to track down some living relatives.  Her biological parents, two half sisters and even some half brothers.  Annie told us that Rose, the family history sister, said when she started on Annie's research she couldn't leave it alone.  Like people were pushing her on.

Annie told about her experience of taking her biological grandmother's name through the temple and that it was the most spiritual experience than she could have expected.  She felt her grandmother was ready to have her temple work done.  Annie felt her grandmother was right by her at the veil.  

She mentioned that there isn't one definition of a family.  That there are many definitions.  

She bore her testimony that people on the other side of the veil are cheering us on and want us to find them.  She ended her talk by telling the audience that she has a daughter on a mission and another daughter on the Harry S. Truman Aircraft carrier and how worried she is about both her girls.  One particular day she was coming from Stansbury to Salt Lake and has she rounded the mountain she saw the Bountiful Temple and new that it was a message and a promise from her Heavenly Father that families are eternal and the girls are being watched over.

My love for her was overwhelming and I'm so glad that I was able to be there and hear her testimony.  I echo mine with hers.

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