Sunday, April 7, 2019

Spring is here!

When I see the ducks roaming around our driveway and getting in and out of the pool and seeing the Canadian Geese standing on top the building behind our home then I know that Spring is not far behind.  It is something I look forward to seeing every Spring.  I just about ran over the silly ducks camping out in our driveway.  The honestly just sit there and look at you and expect you to drive around them, which I always do!

When I was cleaning the bedroom upstairs I heard the Canadian Geese.  They sounded like they were right on my widow seal.  I grabbed my camera and saw them standing on the roof of the building right outside our backyard.  I took a picture of them and then all of a sudden the two took flight, honking all the way and ended up landing on our roof.  They don't land lightly.  Thump, thump as they landed.  They were up there for quite awhile and being as noisy as they could.

I love the ducks and geese who bring in Spring!

 The two geese in flight.

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