Sunday, October 2, 2011

Our hike to Mt. Timpanogos Cave

I honestly can’t remember the last time I hiked to the cave.  I think, maybe when Jeff and Annie were little.  But what their ages where I have no idea.  Needless to say, a very long time ago.  I find myself at an age where I am grateful that Neal and I are blessed with such good health and still have the energy to do the fun things the kids and grandchildren invite us to do. 

We met the Gertson’s on the freeway at 5300 South and caravanned from their to the cave.  Our tickets were for 10:30 a.m., but because of the horrible traffic, we didn’t arrive there until 11:30 so they put us on the 12:30 time to go through the cave.  That means you should be at the cave entrance at 12:30, so you plan the starting of the hike an hour earlier.

If I remember correctly, it is a mile and a half up the mountain.  6,700 feet elevation at cave entrance.  Mt. Timpanogos is the 2nd highest mountain in Utah’s Wasatch Range. 

Some pictures of our fun adventure:


At the visitors center and ready to begin.  The weather could not have been more perfect!  Notice Andrew with his Indiana Jones hat – which he wore through the whole day.  When the Park Ranger asked people to carry their back packs in the front of them Andrew was concerned about his hat and asked the Ranger if he could keep his hat on.  He was informed that it would be perfectly fine. 


I love this picture of Andrew and Pa.  There was one time when the Ranger was giving instructions about the younger children staying by a parent.  Andrew asked if grandparents counted as parents and could he stay by Pa.  Of course, that brought a chuckle from the group of people gathered for instructions.



This gives you an idea of the paved trail but also how steep and lots of switch backs.  You basically go straight up the mountain.


Notice the tree Emmi is standing by.  It is a pine tree that has grown right out of the man made rock wall.


Waiting for our turn to go into the cave.





Andrew was freezing! 



You can see that some of the passage ways through the caves (there are three of them that have been joined together by man) is extremely narrow and short.  Everyone noticed Jeff’s height.  The Park Ranger even asked Jeff how tall he was.  I think there may have been some concern about his ability to fit through some of the areas.

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