Monday, September 20, 2010

A weekend that will be long remembered.

What an emotional weekend this has been for Maren's family. Neal and I got a call last night about 9:00 p.m. from Maren telling us that they were being evacuated from their home. There was a fire that had started at Camp Williams from machine gun fire and a spark had set off a brush fire that burned out of control and because of the strong winds came up over the mountain headed right for Herriman City. Maren said they had been watching the fire since about 3 p.m. and saw it getting closer and closer. They moved their cars in the garage and gathered pictures and important papers and went to Greg's sister home to spend the night. Maren called this morning and said that Greg had decided to spend the night at the house. Maren took the kids to Lori's house and put them down for the night and then went back to the house to stay with Greg. The police have now let most of the people back in their homes this morning and the fire seems now to be under control and the winds have stopped moving it forward. There were four home burned to the ground. Maren said the fire had come within 20' of their neighbors home.
We love you Maren, Greg and family and are grateful to our Heavenly Father that all is well with your family and your home!

Maren sounded exhausted when she called this morning. I didn't realize how emotional I was until I hung up from getting the news that all was well and the tears welled up in my eyes. I got up at 3:30 a.m. and prayed that all would be well with, especially Maren and her family, but all the other people in that area as well. I feel our family was blessed and taken care of and I am so thankful for that.

Neal and I tried to get some pictures but the distance was too great for my little camera so I took some off the news.

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